Friday, May 13, 2011

Gird Your Loins for Fulfilling the Vision II

This week’s e-mail newsletter from St. Paul’s announced that, after the 8:45 service on May 22, there will be “an important informational meeting concerning St. Paul’s Capital Campaign.” Prepare for Fulfilling the Vision II.

This is what parishioners have been told:
You will learn how the Vestry has responded to the opinions and concerns you expressed in last year’s feasibility study, and the plans for a more modest Capital Campaign focusing on much needed improvements and maintenance throughout the church. Come to listen, learn, and have your questions answered.
In fact, the Vestry has voted (1) to go ahead with a capital campaign, and (2) to take the purchase of 28 Mayfair Drive off the table. I suspect that the new, “more modest” capital drive will look much like Fulfilling the Vision, with deletions. The brick-and-mortar portion of that proposal cost $730,000. It will be interesting to see if other items have been added to the campaign or if the items proposed last year have been modified at all.

Significantly, the meeting on the 22nd is “informational.” I assume that means that we will again be told what the campaign is going to be, and we will have no opportunity to question exactly what it is we are being asked to pay for. Even if that is the case, it would be helpful for parishioners to have information about the proposal in advance of the May 22 meeting, so they can ask meaningful questions or express carefully considered opinions. Like the last presentation on a capital campaign, however, this one is likely to be depending on shock and awe.

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